Category: tech
Financial Tips For Starting Your Own Business
A lot of people have dreams of starting their own business, earning a salary upwards of six figures, never having…
Best tech to keep you connected while travelling
Having your phone charged up and ready for use is a necessity pretty much wherever you go in the world.…
When Being a TV-Watching Couch Potato Pays Off
Okay, so normally when I suggest that someone gets involved in something, anything, I encourage them to give it their…
Kicking Off Your Timepiece Collection
Every man’s man needs a good watch collection to go with your collection of meticulously tailored suits. We’re not talking…
How to Take Good Pictures of Yourself without a Selfie-Stick
If you were to look at the Facebook page of a lady and compare it with her male counterpart, what…
Four Tips for Starting a Business
In 2015, over 600,000 new businesses were launched in the UK. We’re a nation of entrepreneurs but getting a good…