How to Take Good Pictures of Yourself without a Selfie-Stick


If you were to look at the Facebook page of a lady and compare it with her male counterpart, what you’ll notice is that ladies tend to take a lot more pictures of themselves, many of which are taken with the frowned-upon selfie-stick. Well, the selfie-stick is loathed amongst us lads at least. I mean something just doesn’t quite look right when a guy is pouting on top of the fact that you can clearly see their hand holding up a selfie-stick!

It perhaps makes it better (just a little bit really) if it’s a group photo, but if we’re going to be taking a group photo then I’m definitely not holding the selfie-stick.

So I guess what I’m getting at is that women tend to take a lot more pics than us guys, but if you’re in the blogging industry like me then you perhaps have a strong case for taking about as many pics as any typical lady would, minus the selfie-stick of course.

But just how does one take good pictures of themselves without using a selfie stick? It’s definitely possible and worth getting into because a lot of bloggers actually manage to do it so well that it looks like they’re rolling with what would invariably be an expensive personal shadow photographer. This is particularly true in the case of travel bloggers whose travel snaps are like gold, even female travel bloggers!


This is one of those nifty little gadgets which solve a real “problem” because I’m willing to bet I wasn’t the only one who imagined the need for something like it only to find that it actually exists. I’m talking about the selfie-tripod, which as I’m sure you can guess is perhaps a much better iteration of the selfie-stick.

As the name suggests, this is nothing but a tripod which is built light and portable for use with a mobile phone. It extends outwards like a selfie-stick, except instead of holding it in your hand and inevitably resigning yourself to showing that little pole that shows up in the pic, you simply adjust it and place it on the ground with your mobile phone attached to it, then using your phone camera’s self-timer function you get into place and take a picture of yourself which looks like someone else took it.

Some of the higher-end selfie-tripods come with Bluetooth capabilities, which makes it that much easier since you just press the capture button on the tiny remote so that you don’t have to run back and forth to set the self-timer for the perfect shot.

Ask Someone

Obviously, your ability to do this depends on exactly where you are because you don’t want someone you have no way of tracking to abscond with your phone or camera, but yeah, asking passers-by to snap your pic for you is another way of getting good pics without having to resort to using that selfie-stick thing. Besides, it makes for the perfect opportunity to chat people up and also, in this day and age, people are more than happy to help a brother out in this way.

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